Panty Raid


“Panty Raid”

In popculture there are many movies where guys are shown trying to invade the private bedrooms of girls to “steal their panties” from their underwear drawers.  To be perfectly honest,  I have even heard my husband and his college buddies discuss such festivities actually going on while they were freshmen in school. Don’t be deceived this has been going on as far back as the 50’s and perhaps even earlier on American campuses at least.

Back to the movies, many of the genre that I am referring to target teen audiences and it is despicable.

Well they are just trying to make money and I totally get it because apparently we are watching.

So where do we fit in and what does this mean for us Believers? Well, I thought you’d never ask.

Before I answer that question,  there are even movies across time that show “nerd” populations – you know the corny guy – smart, virgin,  and projected as a loser out of touch with mainstream society (which is simply not so) participating in said “raids”. I mean you don’t have to be lame or “uncool” because you value your body as a temple or you know your worth, but someone in Hollywood is paying top dollar to make you ingest this lie.

Parents be sure to educate your youth, as a matter of fact do a child you love a favor and share this blog post with them.

Oh and if you are praying that your baby hasn’t been exposed to sex, think again because they were dry humping in elementary school when I was there – so you should be able to imagine what happens now.

Don’t misunderstand my message,  no all kids aren’t physically sexualized at young ages, but you better believe that most have been exposed to it. If not directly by you, then indirectly by you through movies, tv, & social media they are allowed to experience or by friends or other peers at school!

So I have a question for girls young and old out there: if your actual life was depicted on the movie screen would you have the panties that “the nerds” would even attempt to steal or would they already be circulating the campus in vast quantities?

Yeah this post is a tough cookie,  but I promise God loves you so much that he woke me smack out of bed to get this message to you!

Well I pray that you have the kind of panties that the boys will go to great lengths to capture – I mean jump behind the security desk of an all – female dorm with security chasing after them and once captured they are quickly zip locked and sold on ebay to the highest bidder!

Why go through such lengths for you or your clothing, you may ask? Because no man or woman has ever known your essence so to even be near your unmentionables should be remarkable in our pop culture world!

For what you have, My Dear is valued to be more precious than rubies or pearls which are something even modern girls can relate to!

See Proverbs 31:10 AMP
“10 A capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman—who is he who can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls.”

Still don’t know?

Read Proverbs 3:15 AMP

“15 Skillful and godly [a]Wisdom is more precious than rubies; and nothing you can wish for is to be compared to her.”

Yes Sister,  Daughter, Mother, Friend what you have in between those ears will take you far more places than what you have in between those legs.

Because both mind and body are a part of the essence which make you a woman, all parts of you are valuable and is confirmed in the scripture references featured above.

Now about that spirit…take some time to know God and allow the Holy Spirit’s presence to connect with yours. It is never too late, no matter what you have done in your past,  God is always there and is simply waiting with outstretched hands.

Reach out and grab them already!

God’s Blessings and Peace to You My Friends!

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